The Gift of Learning

Last Updated: 23/Au/2022

People don’t go into Massage Therapy or Beauty Therapy to get rich - they often go in because they have a calling.  Unfortunately, professional development doesn’t come for free, especially if Massage Therapists wish to move into a specialised field, such as working with people in frail health, especially those with a diagnosis or history of cancer.

  • Do you know a deserving Massage Therapist or Beauty Therapist - a partner, a relative, a friend, or maybe your Massage Therapist or Beauty Therapist - who would like to move into this field?
  • Are you a deserving Massage Therapist or Beauty Therapist who would like to move into this field, and your family and friends keep asking you what you want for Christmas or your Birthday?
  • Or do you just want to add capacity in your local community to help improve the lives of people in frail health?

Let us help you support those working with people in frail health.  OML offers a range of “Gift of Learning” packages:

  • Oncology Massage for Massage Therapists - Module 1 ($950)
  • Oncology Massage for Massage Therapists - Module 2 ($1,000)
  • Oncology Massage for Massage Therapists - Module 1 & Module 2 ($1,750)
  • Oncology Massage for Massage Therapists - Mini Tutorial ($274)
  • Alternatively, you may wish to provide a “Gift of a Voucher” for any amount for a training course, a polo shirt, etc

Contact us to discuss your requirements, and allow 5 working days for electronic delivery of your "Gift of Learning" or 10 working days for postal delivery.

Please note that these training programs are not available in all parts of Australia and New Zealand.  Travel may be required if the recipient of your generosity is outside a major population centre.

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