What our Graduates say

Last Updated: 21/Jun/2022

Thanks to the generosity of our Graduates, below are some comments on their learning experience with OML, and what a prospective student might expect from our Courses.

I have learned key principles for working with the medically frail which will profoundly affect how I work with all my clients - this course has come at the right time in my practitioner learning journey - so relevant to so many bodies, not just those diagnosed with cancer. Love the venue.
Alice (OM1 Graduate), Bulla (VIC), May/2022

This was an incredible experience for me. I understand more about cancer, oncology massage, and met lots of great people. Please do OM2 in Sydney!
Li (OM1 Graduate), Castle Hill (NSW), May/2022

Thank you for instilling confidence in the new massage techniques and sharing your vast knowledge. Please invite me to OM2! And soon please!
Alycia (OM1 Graduate), Castle Hill (NSW), May/2022

I am so impressed by the Course content and delivery. It is delivered over a weekend, in a venue that is easy to access, at a reasonable cost. But the most important aspect is excellent trainers, great information, hands-on practice. The greatest value of the program was THE TRAINERS!! The knowledge and expertise of the trainers. I am really blown away by their professionalism and vast knowledge in their field. I'm so impressed and very respectful of their integrity, knowledge, experience, and advocacy for oncology massage. Thank you so very much. I have enjoyed this training immensely. I now KNOW where I want to land in the massage industry. I will remember this Course, and especially the trainers, always. Thank you Anne-Marie, Tess & Tineke. I have the greatest respect for you. Very glad to have met you and proud to say I was trained by you.
Samantha (OM1 Graduate), Castle Hill (NSW), May/2022

Just writing to let you know how wonderful the Course was this weekend in Sydney.  So happy I got to learn from Anne-Marie, Tess and Tineke.  Truly a rewarding experience and worth the wait. Please put me down for the next OM2 in Sydney/Castle Hill...as I would like to confirm my spot!
Christine (OM1 Graduate), Castle Hill (NSW), May/2022

Anne-Marie, words of wisdom delivered in a quiet manner - thank you. Theresa, your wonderful smile and positive positive attitude gave me confidence. Kathleen, quietly working behind the scenes to deliver a seamless 3-days. Thank you for adding your experience and wisdom. This program is a good adjunct for those working in the oncology & chronic disease group of clients. The greatest value was the self-care info and the chest wall/abdominal release.
Anonymous (OM2 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Apr/2022

The Team was lovely, knowledgeable and very helpful - and Kathleen is a great baker and mummy to a lovely dog - we can never have enough OM therapists - great to learn the techniques, and meet a group of fabulous like-minded people
Kellie (OM2 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Apr/2022

Overall, a very clear and thorough explanation - definitely will come back for OM3 and OM4 - it’s informative and helpful to anyone who needs to learn - it’s just perfect - the best part was knowledge about th client with cancer.
Annie (OM2 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Apr/2022

Excellent set of skills to have whether moving into OM or not, to utilise in “general pracice” - reinforced my love of this work and being with others (students, facilitators, tutors, FiTs) that love this stuff too.
Fiona (OM2 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Apr/2022

It was so wonderful that each teacher had different experience & knowledge - all complementing each other wit their amazing knowledge. I felt honestly honoured to massage the volunteer client.
Danielle (OM2 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Apr/2022

The greatest value of the program was the self-care section and mixing with peers - hearing others' perspective, meeting some really experienced facilitators and students with so much to share. Had such a great time - fantastic facilitators - great venue but too small - would love to see a Course in Castlemaine or any regional area. Thank you OML. This has been the best learning experience of all the further education I have done. And thank you David for your resilience & staying power!
Sarah (OM2 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Apr/2022

Thoroughly covered all material in the manual - loved the detailed notes that Anne-Marie provided in addition to the manual - class conversations appreciated. Wonderful sequence - will be applying in the clinic tomorrow with my first client.
Teresa (MT-ATH&N Student), Preston (VIC), Apr/2022

You learn so much to add to your skills - enables you to help so many people - great group of ladies - Anne-Marie & Tracey are amazing!
Christine (OM2 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Feb/2022

This Course should be taught in massage school. I wish I knew all of this when I completed my training at QAcademy. I would totally recommend other therapists to complete this Course. It has been such a beautiful Course and I'm excited to be able to give my clients this beautiful treatment & caring touch.
Michelle (OM2 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Feb/2022

Anne-Marie & Tracey have a wealth of knowledge and are so professional yet compassionate & practical. I love doing Courses with them.
Anonymous (OM2 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Feb/2022

The facilitators were helpful and very knowledgeable - could not be happier with Anne-Marie & Tracey
Deb (OM2 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Feb/2022

A really important massage to offer back into our health system - so many benefits and such an enjoyable course. I found Anne-Marie & Tracey extremely easy to listen to and learn from. I hope I have them again for OM2.
Beth (OM1 Graduate), Ipswich (QLD), Mar/2022

It was a wonderful Course & I am feeling very excited about continued learning. Thankyou!
Rebecca (OM1 Graduate), Ipswich (QLD), Mar/2022

First, I would truly like to thank Anne-Marie and Tracey for their dedication to passing on the Oncology Massage Training skills to the many that they both touch! With their deep passion for sharing knowledge and techniques, I certainly feel ready to move forward into the world of Oncology Massage!! Thank You Thank You Thank You :). David, I would like to reiterate the wonderful people you have on board to bring the world of OM to many. The time and travel that these wonderful ladies put into delivering these training programs is beyond words! But to have a great team, you need a person to hold them together. You do a great job at keeping the wheels moving (even in these ever challenging times!!!!). Thank You for all you have and continue to do:). Thank you to the team - what a life changing opportunity you have all passed on.
Ruth (OM2 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Feb/2022

Both ladies just beautiful to work with - knowledgeable and hands-on - fun and professional. I cannot wait to do OM2! Thank-you!
Vee (OM1 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Oct/2021

OM1 provided a safe &b nurturing learning environment allowing time for each participant to discuss their learning experiences and how this may be integrated into their individual clinical practice. The small workshop numbers allowed each participant to receive one-to-one tuition on each massage technique, increasing confidence in my ability to apply these newly learnt skills in my clinical practice.
Ruth (OM1 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Oct/2021

The Course is wonderful & it would be great to have more people able to provide this service. I feel very inspired by the Course and the Facilitators - thank-you!
Deb (OM1 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Oct/2021

Fantastic information that is not taught in diploma massage courses. Anne-Marie and Tracey have such excellent knowledge and experience and they make learning very easy.
Viki (OM1 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Oct/2021

If you are passionate about connecting with others and making a difference - however small in someone's day - this is the Course. I know it will be challenging, but that's fine - learning for life is part of my DNA
Carolyn (OM1 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Oct/2021

Great Course. Fantastic teachers & great group of women. I feel very supported. This Course was so good. The information was amazing& very nurturing. I would definitely recommend this Course. It has given me another direction to move into with my massage therapy. It's just so needed in the community and not only for cancer patients.
Michelle (OM1 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Oct/2021

It really gave me an understanding of why the techniques work & how they differ from other massage techniques - we can never have too many people trained in OM! Loved it!
Anna (OM1 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Oct/2021

I just thought I would send you some feedback from the OM level 1 course I did on the weekend in Toowoomba. I absolutely loved the course, it’s given me another direction to follow with my massaging and I feel like this is definitely my calling. I’m very keen to do OM2 as soon as I can. Anne-Marie Halligan and Tracey Mead were both amazing.  Lots of experience in this field, great facilitators, the content was excellent and the prac work was great to give and receive. I was surprised how so very relaxing and nurturing the massages felt with both receiving and giving. A wonderful group of women that I felt very comfortable with and will now continue to network with from now on. I do think there should be at least a presentation or a day of learning about oncology massage in each massage school as the information is invaluable and I do feel it is important that the students have more understanding of the complications around massage and cancer. In particular having this knowledge before starting in the student clinic and when going through the intake form. Thank you for placing me on this course David, it was truly wonderful.  Now off to practice my new moves!

Michelle (OM1 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Oct/2021

I would like to touch base and pass on a huge thank you to Anne-Marie and Tracey for providing the training over the weekend! It was directional changing in the path of my massage career! And certainly worth the 12 month wait! But I also wanted to pass on my thanks to all those working behind the training. A huge thank you to you and your team that allow these training sessions to continue! Thank You Thank You  Thank You!!! Looking forward to completing OM2 in the near future and becoming a fully-fledged OMT!
Ruth (OM1 Graduate), Toowoomba (QLD), Oct/2021

The knowledge I have now gained is quite amazing - this was an amazing and informative weekend - strongly recommend
Anonymous (OM1 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Jul/2021

Anne-Marie has a wealth of knowledge and great to hear about case studies she has done over the years - was really nice to have Kathleen's knowledge as an oncology massage therapist and radiotherapy nurse - every manual therapist should have knowledge in oncology massage - a very well planned out Program
Kaleisha (OM1 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Jul/2021

Informative practical hands-on approach to learning from great presenters - perfect amount of content over 3 days - as a graduate remedial therapist, I was unsure if I could adapt to a slow massage but Anne-Marie was a fantastic instructor who was reassuring and helpful - can't wait to complete OM2
Danielle (OM1 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Jul/2021

So informative - explained really well - the Course overall was just amazing - loved Anne-Marie, her explanations & sense of humour - we had a wonderful group and met lovely people
Sarah C (OM1 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Jul/2021

Great split of theory/science/practice especially for beginners in this area of work - greatest value was meeting everyone/general discussions/practicals/references for further education/real stories
Sarah N (OM1 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Jul/2021

Recommend the mix of education resources, the depth of knowledge, and the quality of the educators - great connections with education and practitioners with like-minded ideas on the importance of oncology massage
Leanne (OM1 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Jul/2021

Absolutely all Massage Therapists should learn Oncology Massage - looking forward to more and seeing OML grow
Teresa (OM1 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Jul/2021

Anne-Marie & Kathleen did a fab job at explaining, showing, and demonstrating - always happy to answer questions and re-demonstrate - all therapists should be aware of cancer treatments - cancer is so prevalent and I feel this is a modality that should be made accessible to everyone - can't wait for OM2!
Kellie (OM1 Graduate), Preston (VIC), Jul/2021

It is a beautiful modality - it's very good program to learn - the bone marrow support sequence and oncology massage techniques are of great value.
Jane (OM1 Graduate), Cairns (QLD), Mar/2021

It will be great to have other educated peers in my regional area as it would benefit my community
Elizabeth (OM1 Graduate), Cairns (QLD), Mar/2021

The Program was very practical and hands-on - a clear instruction manual - great to practice on the other students
Kath (OM1 Graduate), Cairns (QLD), Mar/2021

Great session on client comfort - good to know the different draping techniques I loved the video about fascia - incredible how such simple techniques can be so effective - excellent to have an experience therapist in the class - I loved the practicals
Anonymous (OM1 Graduate), Cairns (QLD), Mar/2021

The lectures were easy to understand - amazing supervision of the practicals - useful text and deep knowledge - oncology massage is amazing - thank you Anne-Marie and Diane for helping and for your consideration
Noriko (OM1 Graduate), Cairns (QLD), Mar/2021

All Therapists would benefit from this Course - most people have been touched by cancer - it's great to have the education and confidence to assist  - the Course had all it needed - really enjoyed the content and delivery - thank you!
Cherie (OM1 Graduate), Townsville (QLD), Mar/2021

The subject means a lot to me personally - it's good as a remedial therapist to understand the cells and how cancer moves and not being scared of it or turning a person away that's in need. Has helped me to come to terms with the life changes my Mum will have for the rest of her life so I would just like to say a huge thank you to Anne-Marie and the help she is giving me
Casey (OM1 Graduate), Townsville (QLD), Mar/2021 

Loved everything - great days and look forward to the following day - certainly understand so much more
Jan (OM1 Graduate), Townsville (QLD), Mar/2021 

The manual is absolutely amazing and I love the practicals
Marissa (OM1 Graduate), Townsville (QLD), Mar/2021

I found it very insightful and it helped me understand how to accommodate cancer patients more
Justin (OM1 Graduate), Townsville (QLD), Mar/2021

Good program - extensive coverage of needs - especially enjoyed doing case studies and hands on practicals
Rebecca (OM2 Graduate), Marymount (NSW), Mar/2021

Very practical & informative not just for oncology although primary focus - greatest value was the revision, learning something new (lots), reassurance
Anonymous (OM2 Graduate), Marymount (NSW), Mar/2021

It is well-designed training for all health practitioners, and there are more and more cancer patients need OM to increase their quality of life. I have learnt quite comprehensive information of OM, that includes knowledge of cancer and scientific benefits of OM.
Melissa (OM2 Graduate), Marymount (NSW), Mar/2021

Amy & Tania rock! Very informative program!
Michelle (Mini Tute - Scars), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

Fantastic - would love it to be a 2-day workshop - scars cause the body great pain and discomfort - thanks - I will be back again
Takako (Mini Tute - Scars), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

It's a great subject that will be able to be applied to so many areas/things - all of it was fantastic - thank-you so much
Katherine (Mini Tute - Scars), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

Great course, great facilitators - great value reviewing information and connecting with other therapists
Sharon (Mini Tute - Scars), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

Presentations and explanations easy to understand - very gentle easy technique to use on anyone - the whole program will be of benefit to me and my clients
Katie (Mini Tute - Scars), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

Great value hearing about complexity of conditions & treatment protocols - sharing of client stories from facilitators and others in the group was very helpful and informative
Dawn (Mini Tute - Scars), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

Amy is always full of good knowledge and presents well - Tania brings lots of knowledge & experience to the Course - a great add-on to OM1 & OM2 - great job guys
Diane (Mini Tute - Scars), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

Manual always has great content - the practicals were helpful and very hands-on - it was fantastic & rewarding
Leanne (Mini Tute - Scars), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

Good to get new info and more practical skills - loved learning the new head techniques
Karen (Mini Tute - All Things Head & Neck), Marymount (NSW), Mar/2021

Lots of fantastic information - fantastic practical skills to use - looking forward to bringing these techniques into practice
Katherine (Mini Tute - All Things Head & Neck), Marymount (NSW), Mar/2021

Enough knowledge without getting too much - did enjoy the extra bits (ie, meridian lines) - gorgeous and blissful to give and receive the massage - it can be useful for so much more than oncology
Anonymous (Mini Tute - All Things Head & Neck), Marymount (NSW), Mar/2021

I will come to this program again - looking forward to the next one - valuable information - meeting beautiful people who attended
Takako (Mini Tute - All things Head & Neck), Marymount (NSW), Mar/2021

Well presented, organised, and planned - lots of reference to other materials and reading - lots of opportunity to discuss new information learned and experiences - Amy explained all aspects well and supported and guided us well - Diane was wonderful
Anonymous (OM1 Graduate), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

It gives very in-depth information on the safe treatment of clients with cancer - any massage therapist should do this course as they will at some stage encounter a client who has or has had cancer - the greatest value of the program is everything - an absolutely wonderful and informative class - can apply techniques for other conditions, and the elderly
Anonymous (OM1 Graduate), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

It really gives insight and awareness into how best to care for cancer patients - the greatest value was knowing the correct techniques to be able to help ease pain, improve quality of life, and to bring a sense of calm throughout a very heartbreaking time
Kim (OM1 Graduate), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

It has given me a thorough introduction to cancer and oncology massage which is exactly what I was seeking from the course and my journey - the greatest value of the program was the facilitators’ experience and their ability to talk through complex components of the course work making it easier to understand and the practicals as well
Anonymous (OM1 Graduate), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

It is very specific re boundaries of therapists' scope of work - fantastic if oncology massage is the area/field you want to focus on/in - a great team who work hard to deliver a worthwhile Course - thank you
Bec (OM1 Graduate), Marymount (NSW), Feb/2021

Anne-Marie...empathetic, real, a very good facilitator who made us feel heard (good listener)...a safe environment was created that helped us to feel open & accepted...very good communicator...thank you so much
Jenny (OM1 Graduate), Movement & Wellbeing Centre (SA), Nov/2020

Anne-Maria - fabulous, informative, connects and articulates well...I would recommend this Course to others and I do regularly as I believe it should be a major component taught in the Diploma...(not having it) is detrimental to people's wellbeing particularly in relation to lymph nodes/lymphoedema.
Lisa (OM1 Refresher), Movement & Wellbeing Centre (SA), Nov//2020

Awesome course! Loved every aspect of it and brilliant facilitator - thanks Amy!
Jeni (OM2 Graduate), Marymount (NSW), Oct/2020

Amy has been a wonderful teacher - her enthusiasm was passed on and helped me to understand the contents. The contents are well explained and easy to follow
Beatriz (OM1 Graduate), Marymount (NSW), Sep/2020

Lizzie & Tania worked well together - very cohesive - would continue seamlessly. Very qualified and highly experienced practitioners & beautiful people - the world is blessed to have such people in it. Thank-you!
Anna (OM1 Graduate), Tarlo (NSW), Sep/2020

Got to get to know other participants. I was very lucky to have such a great group of people in my training. I have wanted to do this Course for a long time, thought about it a great deal. Now to have gone right out of my comfort zone and done it, I feel a real sense of achievement.
Megan (OM1 Graduate), Tarlo (NSW), Sep/2020

(The greatest values of the course were) the integrity, sincerity, confidence, kindness and passion of both Lizzie & Tania. Very inspirational, despite the intensity of the subject matter and case studies
Jules (OM1 Graduate), Tarlo (NSW), Sep/2020

Lizzie & Tania are such a great team, and the years of teaching and treating show. Brilliant facilitators and good fun to learn from
Natalie (OM1 Graduate), Tarlo (NSW), Sep/2020

Anne-Marie & Tess, excellent - lots of information perfect for where I am in my journey with OM.
Ashleigh (OM1), Dove House Auckland (NZ), Nov/2019

Anne-Marie, thank you for all your help & knowledge - I really enjoyed learning from you.  Tess, thank you for your guidance and help with the practical, and for giving feedback.  I enjoyed learning from you. I look forward to seeing you both for OM2.
Rizpha (OM1), Dove House Auckland (NZ), Nov/2019

Tania & Lizzie - awesome facilitators - looking forward to OM2.  Both facilitators very experienced in their field and this showed in the training, as did their compassion for their clients.
Jocelyn (OM1), Bell Motel Preston (VIC), Nov/2019

Holistic approach with aim to improve positive feelings & decrease anxiety & who doesn't need this - thoroughly enjoyed all aspects - thank you - roll on OM2
OM1 Graduate, Bell Motel Preston (VIC), Nov/2019

Thank you very much - you have both really opened my eyes into this field and it has been a very touching experience . Lovely manners from both facilitators.  At first I thought I would struggle due to Lizzie looking a lot like my grandma who passed earlier this year but it has actually really helped having a familiar looking person in the room.
Emma (OM1), Bell Motel Preston (VIC), Nov/2019

Fantastic knowledge and examples that were shared with us to give a full picture of the oncology massage benefits - both Tania & Lizzie worked well and complemented each other - it's informative and both written and practical were interactive with the group - this style promoted learning - thank-you so much, it was a fantastic experience
Karin (OM1), Bell Motel Preston (VIC), Nov/2019

Loved it - so relevant - (Tania & Lizzie) brilliant - make everyone comfy, and easy to talk to - obviously great @ jobs - wonderful - passionate in explaining technical & biology - heightened my life knowledge - confirmed this is the space I belong in.
Glen (OM1), Bell Motel Preston (VIC), Nov/2019

Very informative - learned a lot more about cancer and cancer treatment - (greatest value is) ability to use this massage for older frail people, as well as people undergoing cancer treatments
OMBT Graduate, endota Wellness College (VIC), Nov/2019

Amazing teaching skills - very easy to understand and learn - AMAZING! AMAZING! AMAZING! - overall, most amazing women (Tania Griffin & Lizzie Milligan) - very helpful and very interesting course - thank you so much for teaching me
Jennan (OMBT), endota Wellness College (VIC), Nov/2019

Great for clients receiving cancer treatments as they wouldn't miss out on having a massage - clear explanation - loved having a booklet to follow through.
OMBT Graduate, endota Wellness College (VIC), Nov/2019

I really liked finding out the science behind it.  I feel it will help me understand how to help clients better.  (Tania Griffin was) very well spoken, lots of information, explained everything clearly - it was perfect - thanks Tania!
Keanii (OMBT), endota Wellness College (VIC), Nov/2019

Loved learning the theory and the practical together - course could be longer
Miriam (OMBT), endota Wellness College (VIC), Nov/2019

Very interesting - trainer (Tania Griffin) was awesome - love to be able to help people with cancer.
Victoria (OMBT), endota Wellness College (VIC), Nov/2019

Excellent delivery - Tania (Griffin) was easy to understand, passionate - very knowledgeable.
Kacie (OMBT), endota Wellness College (VIC), Nov/2019

Oncology massage has given our therapists the knowledge and skills to confidently care for the very unwell oncology patient and those at the end of life.  The training has enabled them to practice with confidence and safety. Our patients feel safe in their expertise. OM has given our service credibility, oncologists and haematologists are now happy to refer, knowing the massage is gentle and delivered with a specific, individualised and disease related plan.
Trish Melville, Clinical Services Manager, Dove House (NZ), Nov/2019

I found the Oncology Massage series of modules gave me a good grounding and was a confidence building experience for my work. At Dove Hospice, I predominantly see patients with cancer or another life-threatening illness diagnosis and OM provided me with the essential tools for my tool bag.
Linda (OM2), Dove House (NZ), Nov/2019

Amy is an amazing teacher, she is open to any questions and is willing to always be hands-on with the Graduates.
Jessica (OM2), Marymount (NSW), Oct/2019

Essential information that should be taught in Remedial Massage courses - understanding & discovering the value of gentle touch - brilliant, exciting, eye-opening
OM1 Graduate, Yaroomba (QLD), Oct/2019

I didn't fully understand what the course content was going to be prior to coming nor the difference between MLD & Oncology Massage - I'm super happy with the content that's been delivered. Reintroducing passion & purpose & direction into my career!! Thank-you!
Susan (OM1), Yaroomba (QLD), Oct/2019

Oncology massage training so far has been extremely profound. Looking forward to OM2
Karen (OM1), Yaroomba (QLD), Oct/2019

This course is fit for a great diversity of clients. It can be used for Oncology clients but also for any chronic issue. Makes us think outside the box. High standard education and professional group to join in.
Ana (OM2), Marymount (NSW), Oct/2019

This is so important for EVERY therapist to know. I can offer so much more understanding to my clients who have experienced cancer. Thank you Tania for the kind and insightful way you presented the course. I loved it.
Mel (OM1), Yaroomba (QLD), Oct/2019

It's so valuable to feel confident about how to work with clients living with cancer.  The information is presented so clearly both verbally, visually and written.  Thank you, it was fabulous​!
Heidi (OM1R), Cottesloe (WA), Sep/2019

I like the depth and the way the information is delivered is great.  I think at least Level 1 should be in all Remedial Massage Diploma Courses.
Kylie (OM1), Castle Hill (NSW), Sep/2019

I think it's given me the skills to offer massage to practically any client.  This is valuable/worthwhile to any therapist...Amy is so focused.. on par with my Grade 6 teacher as the best teacher I've EVER had...Amy is knowledgeable, accommodating, experienced, great communicator...I feel I've learnt well and been taught properly.  Thank you Amy!
Jessica (OM1), Castle Hill (NSW), Sep/2019

Amy Tyler - excellent teacher!  Thank you for your availability to reply to all the questions!  (The Program) gives a broad theoretical knowledge about the scientific aspects of cancer, specific concerns of cancer patients during massage, and solid practical skills.  Greatly structured and beautifully delivered.  THANK YOU!  I am looking forward to OM2!
Kasia (OM1), Castle Hill (NSW), Sep/2019

(Amy is an) excellent facilitator; easy to understand and relate to.  Amy's knowledge & passion in the area is a fountain of information.  (The greatest value of the program) was knowing/understanding the fascia and the effectiveness of light touch/pressure on the fascia which initiates a state of bliss and alleviates the side effects of cancer treatment.
Alona (OM1), Castle Hill (NSW), Sep/2019

(The greatest value of the program) was meeting Anne-Marie, gaining more knowledge about cancer, the body, issues around health and the body.
Valerie (OM1), Unley Cancer Care Centre (SA), Aug/2019

Most Therapists will have a client who develops cancer at some stage.  Being able to continue treating that client in a safe way with confidence is what the course offers.
Kylie (OM1), Unley Cancer Care Centre (SA), Aug/2019

Tania, thank you so much. I have learnt so much from this course. I will always remember you when I think of pressure, site, position, and duration. Thank you for your beautiful smile and words of encouragement. Tessa thank you for your easy and gentle spirit just there supporting Tania and clarifying and reiterating what we need to know. I have thoroughly enjoyed this opportunity - learnt so much in such a wonderful environment - non threatening so I could learn.  Would love to have more mini tutorials.
Clare (OM2), Dove House (NZ), Aug/2019

Tania, your explanations and manner of teaching is inspirational. Thank you Tess. I love your observations and the kind way you redirect and correct. You are awesome! The facilitators made this such a wonderful learning opportunity.
Charmaine (OM2), Dove House (NZ), Aug/2019

I was dreading (the practical session with clients with cancer). I would have avoided if possible but, by late morning on Sunday, I felt prepared and scared. Once I did the massage plan and had it approved, I loved it from there on. Thank you so much for allowing me to participate. It was really a challenge but I feel I rose to it and have grown so much as a result.
Trish (OM2), Dove House (NZ), Aug/2019

Felt well prepared and supported. Very much appreciated emotional support also. Loved it. Thank you Tania, Tessa & Dove House staff and volunteers. More than just a job for you.
Eileen (OM2), Dove House (NZ), Aug/2019

Want more - I have so much to learn - awesome - thank you.  Busting original myth of massage contraindicated cancer in my original RMT training - can't wait for the next one.
OM1 Graduate, Toowoomba (QLD), Jul/2019

Fantastic!!! (Tania is) a wonderful calming person - makes you feel at ease and gets the best out of all students.  All three days felt like story time not slogging through training.  So excited about studying again - can't wait for the next module.
Rachel (OM1), Toowoomba (QLD), Jul/2019

It is important that every RMT knows how to treat people with past cancer treatments. Being aware, even years after cancer treatment, to treat clients with the recommended care.
Cornelia (OM1), Toowoomba (QLD), Jul/2019

I think this was an excellent program.  I was very happy that I came to this course as I found Tania to present this at a very high standard that was easy to comprehend.  The education, knowledge and practicals were supported by Tania and I felt we were encouraged to ask questions to gain the most out of the units.
Shelley (OM1), Toowoomba (QLD), Jul/2019

I just loved the passion in this entire organisation, but especially from Tania - passionate, friendly, encouraging, knowledgeable, and incredibly patient - your passion just radiates out of you.  I thoroughly enjoyed this course and can't wait for OM2, and the Aged Care course.
Naomi (OM1), Toowoomba (QLD), Jul/2019

Thank-you for making me feel so welcome.  This course is given and taught by extremely able and professional instructors.  Australia is in great need of the information supplied.  The medical fraternity is in desperate need to be enlightened and accepting of this course content.
Glenda (OM1), Toowoomba (QLD), Jul/2019

(Amy is) very passionate about her work.  Very caring and very approachable.  An excellent facilitator.  The communities and hospitals need fully trained Oncology Massage Therapists.  I revised my belief that deep tissue massage was a more effective way of massaging.  Even on a healthy person, a deep meditative state given by light pressure is wonderful.
Marilyn (OM1), Marymount (NSW), Jul/2019

The information is set out easily to read & straight to the point.  Amy was very understanding and was a big help with pressure, positioning, techniques.  I got to understand cancer & how massage can be a big impact on cancer sufferer & that I can use these techniques on everyone.
Jessica (OM1), Marymount (NSW), Jul/2019

(Amy is) very knowledgeable, know her industry.  Excellent facilitator, respectful, very thorough with hands on.  Was clear with the course expectation and group expectations which helped more listen than chatting from the group.  We are here to learn not to comment our own previous experiences!  I'll see you soon.  Keen to practice, read and prepare to Module 2.
Ana (OM1), Marymount (NSW), Jul/2019

Amy is simply the best! Patient, knowledgeable, and all round fabulous...(this course) is an essential component to a massage therapist's knowledge and toolkit.  Gives the therapist so much knowledge and confidence in working with, and helping, clients with cancer. The techniques are wonderful but the knowledge about the treatments are such an important addition.  As a lymphoedema therapist, knowing about the client's journey before they come to me has been invaluable.
Gwenlli (OM2), Marymount (NSW), Jun/2019

This has been the most in-depth course since completing my Diploma in Remedial Massage.
Rebecca (OM2), Marymount (NSW), Jun/2019

Great pace...the concepts were structured so well it was able to be absorbed without feeling pressured...both Tania and Tess were awesome to have as our tutors...feeling blessed.
Charmaine (OM1), Dove House (NZ), May/2019

Excellent background information for every massage therapist...I feel strongly that most massage therapists lack vital information to massage cancer survivors in the community...the wider this can be shared, the better and safer things will be.
Debra (OM1), Dove House (NZ), May/2019

I found Tania to be very professional and her experience was apparent...I would attend any workshop presented by her...there is a lot of vital information in OM1 that even the family of cancer patients could benefit from...I am looking forward to OM2.
OM1 Graduate, Yaroomba (QLD), May/2019

Taught by a lovely caring attentive facilitator in a calming beautiful environment by the beach...met all my expectations of what I wanted from the course.
Pam (OM1), Yaroomba (QLD), May/2019

From a carer/daughter of a cancer patient point of view, it made me realise what they would be going through and how something as simple as this touch is beneficial...it is a great tool for therapists who want to work in a hospital and know anyone with cancer or a similar condition.
OM1 Graduate, Yaroomba (QLD), May/2019

Most massage therapists are going to come across clients who have had cancer or who are going through it. This course gives you many tools. I think it was really well thought out and practical.  I'm working with several clients with cancer and now I have much more knowledge on how to keep them safe and work out what is best for them. I think it is awesome! That people with cancer can be nurtured and find an escape from the rigorous demands of cancer surgery and treatments.
OM1 Graduate, Gestalt Centre (VIC), Apr/2019

Thorough, well explained, evidence-based scientific background, great recommended reading - excellent course, great facilitators.
Moira (OM1), Gestalt Centre (VIC), Apr/2019

A great weekend where you will gain a wealth of knowledge and skills to feel more confident with clients. Both trainers have so much knowledge and life experience.
OM1 Graduate, Gestalt Centre (VIC), Apr/2019

Thank you so much for this fantastic collection [of research papers]. I am so fortunate to have the collective support of OML behind me.
Kathleen (OM4), Bendigo (VIC), Mar/2019

Amy's speaking was slow and clear (just like oncology massage). All knowledge I learned here is helpful to understand clients at aged care facility.
Akemi (OM1), Marymount (NSW), Mar/2019

I would recommend this program to others because it was so informative and the sequences are soft, long movements...can be applied to more than just oncology clients...the touch can be very gentle and still achieve results.
Rebecca (OM1), Marymount (NSW), Mar/2019

Amy, Tania & Diane were amazing...made sure all questions were answered...knowledgeable and thorough...very lucky to have so many amazing teachers in one class. This should be covered in every Diploma!
OM1 Graduate, Marymount (NSW), Mar/2019

Fantastic presentation...thorough, understandable...teachers gave enough attention to all Graduates
OM1 Graduate, Marymount (NSW), Mar/2019

Definitely very professionally presented - to the point, clear, well put together - good balance of content and practical - really enjoyed this course and I feel confident it will improve my work
Angela, Marymount (NSW), Feb/2019

Would absolutely recommend this program - information that every massage therapist needs to know - has given me confidence in an area I didn't understand previously - will only strengthen my career - see you for Module 2
Lauren, Marymount (NSW), Feb/2019

The techniques can be applied in numerous instances - not just oncology. Support for oncology patients is greatly needed in rural and remote Australia.
Annie, VIC, Sep/2016

I would recommend this program because there is too much fear and stigma surrounding "cancer" and yet we have all been touched or know someone who has.
Linda, VIC, Sep/2016

Very informative. The more people out there who know/understand caring for someone with cancer/illness, the better!
Kerri, ACT, Jul/2016

I would definitely recommend this course to any RM, as it reinforces all previous learning, plus gives you a whole new perspective of what can be done.
Alison, NSW, Jul/2016

The program was comprehensive and the facilitator was wonderful; understanding, compassionate, a wealth of knowledge and extremely passionate.
Helen, QLD, Jul/2016

[I would recommend the program] for anyone interested in this field of healing and massage. Very profound and meaningful work.
Ruth, NSW, Apr/2016

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge. I’m less scared of facing the end of life and helping people at the end of life.
Takako, NSW, Apr/2016

Facilitators worked together so well; encouraged and supported the participants tremendously; content was extensive and well presented, good science of theory and practice. Loved and appreciated all of the tips given, appreciated the emphasis on looking after ourselves physically, emotionally, spiritually. Really appreciated your honesty, humour and how much you shared of each other.
Julia, NSW, Apr/2016

If you are interested in connecting with others in a meaningful, rewarding way, OM is the way. It has made me aware of how much more there is to learn, and I have learnt valuable tools and information relating to cancer patients.
Maryanne, QLD, Apr/2016

Gives a nurturing insight into the world of oncology massage. A very thorough program. Confirmed for me that I wish to go on and do OM2 and start to work in the field of oncology massage.

Natalie, SA, Mar/2016

This is information not given at massage school. We need this to be able to work effectively with those with cancer. I’m SO pleased I undertook this program.
Roz, ACT, Mar/2016

I would recommend this program to all massage therapists. With such a high prevalence of cancer in Australia we are all as therapists likely to have cancer patients come through our door.
Sarah, ACT, Mar/2016

Well presented, informative course, great teachers, great balance of theory and practical. I loved the course. I never felt bored or let it dragged on at any point. It was great learning atmosphere with laughs, support, professional at all times and plenty of information to further our knowledge.
Narelle, NZ, Feb/2016

As massage therapists we generally think pressure is what is needed, but [it was] so good to learn the opposite. More awareness needs to be created, this was never offered to me when I went through Remedial.
Carla, QLD, Jan/2016

This program exceeded my expectations and gave me value beyond Oncology Massage. The combination of science and heart drew everything together well. This was enhanced by having three amazing facilitators/presenters. I feel so proud and happy to know there are amazing people in the industry making such a profound difference in healthcare.
Nicole, VIC, Apr/2014

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