Finding Pre-Course Reading

Last Updated: 9/Sep/2020

Many of you have asked about how to get hold of the books either recommended or required as pre-reading for our courses. Here are some general tips:

  1. Visit the National Library of Australia Trove Website to find what you want - it provides both borrow and purchase options
  2. See if your local library can organise a loan for you
  3. Check with other Colleagues/Therapists/Clinics as they may have a copy
  4. You can buy them second-hand from other Therapists/Clinics or in specialist second-hand bookstores​.
  5. You can buy them new - try the Google Book Depository first as they tend to have cheaper prices and free shipping

I will leave options 3 & 4 to you, but what follows are options 1, 2 & 5 for the main references.

Medicine Hands: Massage Therapy for People with Cancer by Gayle MacDonald
(ISBN 978-1-84409-639-8, Third Edition, 2014)

  • This publication is recommended pre-reading for OM1 and required pre-reading for OM2 and above.
  • The Trove Website indicates this book is available to borrow from 12 libraries across Australia, and provides some specific purchase options.

Quest for Life: A Handbook for People with Cancer and Life-threatening Illnesses by Petrea King

  • This publication is recommended pre-reading for OM1 and required pre-reading for OM2 and above.
  • The Trove Website indicates this book is available to borrow from 27 libraries across Australia, and provides other purchase options.
  • You can also purchase this book directly from the Quest for Life Foundation in Bundanoon NSW here.

The Biology of Belief by Bruce Lipton
(ISBN 13 978140192319, 2015)

  • This publication is recommended pre-reading for OM1 and required pre-reading for OM2 and above.
  • The Trove Website indicates that there are 20 versions of this publication - both books and audio resources.  The most recent version is available to borrow from 22 libraries across Australia, and provides purchase options.
  • You can also purchase this publication directly from Bruce Lipton's website here

Oncology Aesthetics: A Practitioners Guide by Morag Currin & Brian W Budzynski (2014)

  • This publication is recommended pre-reading for all OMBT students.
  • The Trove Website indicates that there are 2 versions of this publication but there is no record of any Australian Library holding it, or any specific purchase options.
  • This publication can be ordered online from Ms Currin's website or via Amazon & Kindle Unlimited where you can also read and or purchase an electronic copy. A reviewer says you can get the hardcopy publication much more cheaply through Ms Currin's website.
  • Hailing from Moosejaw Saskatchewan in Canada, Ms Currin was a keynote speaker at OML's Third International Conference in Canberra in 2016.

Massage for the Hospital Patient and Medically Frail Client by Gayle Macdonald
(ISBN 0-7817-4705-8)

  • This publication is required pre-reading for all OM3 and OM4 Students
  • The Trove Website indicates this book is available to borrow from 18 libraries across Australia, and provides some specific purchase options.

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