Do it Yourself Courses

Date Updated:  22/Nov/2022

For those of you living where OML has not scheduled a Courses, you have a DIY option that OML will be very happy to help you with. We have a Facilitation Team who are willing to travel and deliver Courses in your local community if you can garner enough support and fulfill the following requirements:

  • Local Course Organiser - OML is happy to negotiate Course Fees with a Local Course Organiser - that saving can be shared with the other Course Students, or taken as a generously-discounted Course fee by the Local Course Organiser
  • Course Numbers - a minimum of 10 fee paying students - we require a higher minimum number of students than normal to cover the travel and accommodation costs of the Course Facilitation Team members
  • Venue - at no cost or low cost - no more than $200/day - must have access to a kitchenette and toilets - room for 1 massage table for every 2 students (OM1) or 1 massage table for every student (OM2)
  • Audiovisual Requirements - a whiteboard, preferably an electronic one - most audiovisuals can be presented on a laptop but it is inconvenient for large numbers of students - a DVD player and/or a digital projector would be ideal
  • Refreshments - morning and afternoon teas must be able to be provided and prepared for each training day - we allocate $3/day/person for each Course
  • Travel & Accommodation - OML pays for the Course Facilitation Team's travel and accommodation but we would ask you to assist us in locating appropriate accommodation, and assisting with pick-ups or drop-offs as required

Facilitators Lizzie Milligan & Tania Griffin with their OM1 Class in Tarlo

Over the last few years, we have successfully used this locally-driven model to deliver the following:

  • In 2022, OML delivered OM1 & OM2 Courses in Ipswich & Toowoomba respectively with the assistance of our tenacious Townsville-based Facilitator in Training Tracey Mead. Later in 2022, we will deliver OM1 Courses in Perth, Hobart & Port Sorell with the assistance of local therapists
  • In 2021, we ran OM1 Courses in Townsville & Cairns with the assistance of our Townsville-based Facilitator in Training Karen Pedurand and local therapists
  • In 2020, we ran a residential OM1 Course on a farm in Tarlo outside Goulburn where accommodation was available on site
  • In 2019, OML attended the Oceanic Palliative Care Conference 2019 in Perth. Although the student numbers were very low, OML scheduled an OM1 and an OM2 Course while there.

Facilitator Bronwyn Sutton with her OM1 Class in Alice Springs

OML will seek to keep the Course Fees at a level no higher than that which is paid by Course Students in the major metropolitan centres. OML will also provide marketing support including emails, advice, brochures, and contacts.

If you would like to bring a course to your area and you think you may be able to meet the requirements, please contact us to get started. If you have other questions, please call OML on 0416 004 616.


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