The National Massage Therapist Listing

Last Updated: 22/Nov/2022

Existing NMTL Policy

Members of the OML Course Facilitation Team have always been listed on the NMTL free-of-charge while OM2 & OM4 Graduates have been charged $100 per year (or more recently $100 every two years) to be listed on the NMTL. As part of that charge, Graduates received 50 OML brochures, an invitation to join OML’s Private Facebook page, and an opportunity to purchase OML’s branded OM2 polo shirt.

New NMTL Policy

Consistency with OML Objectives

OML’s founding objective was to make safe & effective Oncology Massage widely available to any person in fragile health. It logically follows that OML should encourage as many of our OM2 & OM4 Graduates as possible to be listed on the NMTL so that as many people in frail health as possible can have access to this remarkable complementary therapy.

Maximising Access to Oncology Massage

From 1/Apr/2021, OML will remove the financial barrier to OM2 Graduates listing on the NMTL. If you are an existing OM2 Graduate, you may choose to be listed or not to be listed on the NMTL free-of-charge. The instructions for action if required are indicated in the following options-actions matrix:


currently listed on the NMTL

currently listed on the NMTL


to be listed on the NMTL

Relax! No action required

Relax! No action required

to be listed on the NMTL

to be listed on the NMTL

Please advise OML by email by 31/Mar/2021 that you DO NOT WISH to be listed

Please advise OML by email by 31/Mar/2021 that you DO NOT WISH to be listed

to be listed on the NMTL


currently listed on the NMTL

currently listed on the NMTL



From 1/Apr/2021, all OM2 Graduates - past, present and future - may choose to be listed on the NMTL free-of-charge. You may also choose to:

  • Join OML’s Private Facebook page
  • Purchase OML’s branded OM2 polo shirt
  • Purchase OML brochures according to the prices here.

Ensuring Skills-Currency of Oncology Massage Practitioners


To remain eligible for listing on the NMTL, OML will need to be confident that the skills of those listed are current. This skills-currency will need to be demonstrated annually, and can be achieved by satisfying at least one of the following five criteria:

  1. You have successfully completed an OM3/4 Program
  2. You are a current Member of the Course Facilitation Team including Facilitators-in-Training
  3. In the last three years, you have successfully completed an OM2, an OM1 Refresher, an OMBT, and/or an OML Mini Tutorial
  4. In the last year, you can demonstrate that you have had recent, regular & relevant experience practising Oncology Massage. This may be demonstrated by either a Statement of Support from your employer or, if you are working for yourself, a Statutory Declaration.
  5. For this coming year only (till 31/Mar/2022), you have an existing (paid) NMTL registration.


In practice, in this 2021-22 cycle, this will mean that from 1/Apr/2021:

  • You will not be able to pay to be listed on the NMTL. You will need to demonstrate that your Oncology Massage skills are current in one of the 5 ways listed above
  • All OM4 Graduates will be deemed skills-current and listed on the NMTL until such time as they inform OML that they wish to be removed, or are removed for limited reasons by OML. OM4 Graduates are however encouraged to regularly refresh their skills through Mini Tutorials that are available to them at a 25% discount
  • All Members of the Course Facilitation Team will be deemed skills-current, and listed on the NMTL. This includes Course Helpers and Facilitators-in-Training. 
  • All newly-graduated OM2s will be automatically listed on the NMTL unless they specifically choose not be listed.
  • All OM2 Graduates with an existing (paid) NMTL registration will be deemed skills-current until 31/Mar/2022
  • If you are deemed to be "possibly skills-current", you will have one year to either:
    • Successfully complete an OML Training Program
    • Undertake similar learning & development activities as agreed with OML
    • Provide a a Statement of Support from your employer or, if you are working for yourself, a Statutory Declaration demonstrating your recent & relevant Oncology Massage experience
  • On an annual basis, every OM2 Graduate listed on the NMTL will be assessed against the criteria above. If you do not meet this requirment in a timely fashion, your listing on the NMTL will be removed.
  • If you disagree with this assessment, please feel free to email OML on I accept that no system is perfect and maybe not all of the information on our database is up-to-date.

Mitigating Factors

OML will consider mitigating factors impacting the eligibility of an OM2 Graduate to be deemed current including:

  • Access to OML Courses - if you reside in a place well away from where OML is currently running its Courses - for example, Regional Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory, and currently New Zealand
  • Affordability of OML Courses - a valuable reminder here is that OML offers half-price OM1 Refreshers
  • Personal circumstances - illness, family responsibilities, carer responsibilities, or similar.

If there are other mitigating factors, please call OML on 0416 004 616. We are flexible and understanding - but no pushover!

Ensuring Currency of NMTL Information

In Apr/2021, once the new and expanded NMTL is uploaded, you should check your Listing to ensure that it is accurate and complete. From then on, OML would greatly appreciate being advised by email of any updates as and when they occur.

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